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"Protocol for Cleaning Wheelchairs"

“It Still Works” provides the article, “Protocol for Cleaning Wheelchairs” by Allison Lewis. “It Still Works” provides ways for people to clean and repair broken and dirty possessions that are too valuable to throw away. “Protocol for Cleaning Wheelchairs” is about helping wheelchair users get the most out of their chair because they are expensive and need to last users a long time. The article states that “dirt and grime can affect the efficiency of wheels and brakes so wheelchair frames should be wiped down regularly, or at the very least weekly, depending on how often the wheelchair is used” (Lewis, 2019). The best solution for cleaning, according to Lewis, is to use a washcloth or a high pressure hose. Wheelchairs also get items like hair and string caught in their axles or castors, so a thorough cleaning needs to happen in order to keep wheelchairs in the best condition possible.


In relation to the CRAAP test, the article is copyrighted in 2019 and agrees with other research about how dirt can affect the integrity of wheelchairs. This resource provides a look into a negative aspect of not cleaning wheels other than  for health reasons, and it is meant for users of wheelchairs. The source is a “.com” domain, so there is a question of credibility, but there is contact information provided. The information is supported, it has been proven that dirt can make machines less efficient, and that includes wheelchairs. The purpose if “It Still Works” is to “celebrate old technology and provide resources,” (It Still Works), so that people can save money and learn valuable information at the same time.

"How to Clean a Wheelchair"

Vantage Mobility International (VMI) provides the article, “How to Clean a Wheelchair” to give their customers advice because cleaning wheelchairs is very important and can be complicated. The article lists everything one will need, including harsh chemicals like lysol disinfectant spray and 409. The article then provides steps for both power and manual wheelchairs. The article specifically mentions the wheels, and how clumps of debris can interfere with the mobility of the wheelchairs. The instructions are very detailed and thorough—one person could do this by themselves, but the person has to be able to stand a foot away from the chair and spray cleaning solution. While this is a great example of how to clean a chair, this is also a great example of why there needs to be a solution for those who cannot get out of the chair to clean it themselves.


“How to Clean a Wheelchair” was published in July 2016, so the information is current and relates to the other research that has been conducted. The article lays out the importance of cleaning a wheelchair and its wheels, and how intensive the process must be for it to be done correctly. The information is meant for users of wheelchairs, and because of the intense nature of the cleaning process it can be inferred that those who have mobility disabilities will not be able to clean the wheels by themselves. VMI is a wheelchair van conversion manufacturer, and they have extensive knowledge of wheelchairs. They have many resources available to help the disabled community get access to what they need, and their care for the disabled community is what drives them. The company is the author of the article, and they have extensive research as evidence by their products. The purpose of the article is to inform wheelchair users on how to effectively clean their wheelchairs and to inform them of the importance of cleaning wheelchairs.

"Cleaning a Wheelchair - Maintaining your Chair"

The article, “ Cleaning a Wheelchair - Maintaining your Chair” by Karman Healthcare is about the importance of cleaning a wheelchair and provides some effective ways to clean it. Buildup from dirt and other substances lower the efficiency of the wheels and brakes, so the article highly recommends wiping down the chair everyday.  Also, the point is made that even a chair that is used exclusively inside needs its wheels cleaned. The article details that two wheelchairs is a good idea, one for indoor and one for outdoor, but having two wheelchairs is not a reality for most users due to cost. The benefits to having clean wheels, according to Karman Healthcare, are that the chair will stay efficient longer and will keep the user’s hands clean.


The article is copyrighted in 2017 and agrees with other research that states dirt can affect the performance of a wheelchair. The information brings up a very important point about how when manual wheelchairs roll through dirt and other unsavory substances, the user has the potential to get those on their hands, which is unpleasant and unhealthy. Karman Healthcare is a manufacturer of medical product, and they specialize in wheelchairs. A service they offer on their website is providing information to their customers about their products, and cleaning wheelchairs is an important part.  

"U.S. Wheelchair User Statistics"

The article “U.S. Wheelchair User Statistics” by Pants Up Easy contains uncommon statistics about people who use wheelchairs in the United States. Many people feel they are alone if they are confined to a wheelchair, but they need to know that they are not. This article informs users about the real options for wheelchair users, as there are a lot more than one may think.


“U.S. Wheelchair User Statistics” was posted in April, 2016, and the statistics are still valid and relevant. The article was posted by Pants Up Easy, a company that created a product to help wheelchair users put their pants on independently. They have extensive knowledge and have done extensive research about wheelchairs and their users. The statistics provided agree with other statistics found in more research done by the team. The purpose of this article is to inform wheelchair users that they are not alone, and they have the facts to prove it.  

"Spinal Cord Injury Facts & Statistics"

The article “Spinal Cord Injury Facts & Statistics” was posted by SCI-Info-Pages, detailing statistics about spinal cord injuries in the United States. The statistics tell how people got injured, who was affected by the injuries, and how much spinal cord injuries can cost.


“Spinal Cord Injury Facts & Statistics” was posted in 2015 by SCI-Info-Pages, a resource for quadriplegics, paraplegics, and caregivers. The information provided demonstrates the need and potential for a device that helps people confined to wheelchairs. This source does extensive research in order to be the resource that all quadriplegics, paraplegics, and caregivers rely on. The purpose of this article is to inform people about the disabled community and what it really looks like. This information gives a snapshot of the numbers associated with a life-changing injury, such as a spinal cord injury.

"Spinal Cord Injury"

The article, “Spinal Cord Injury” is about facts about spinal cord injuries. It defines spinal cord injuries, details the health, economic, and social consequences, improving care, and overcoming barriers. The “World Health Organization” works across the world to help prevent and care for those in need with spinal cord injury.

“Spinal Cord Injury” was posted in November 2013, and the information supports the fact that those with spinal cord injuries face many issues that need to be addressed and fixed. The World Health Organization posted the article to inform everyone about the facts of spinal cord injuries and aims to help the world in all aspects of health to help in every way they can. The purpose of the article is to inform people about what spinal cord injuries are and how they can get help.

"Spinal Cord Injury Statistics"

The article “Spinal Cord Injury Statistics” from The Miami Project details facts about spinal cord injuries. There are details of the causes of spinal cord injuries, the extent of the injuries, and how much of a financial burden spinal cord injuries can be on a person.

The article, “Spinal Cord Injury Statistics”,  has facts as of February 2018, and the facts are confirmed with other resources found. The information provided supports the fact that there is a problem to solve. The Miami Project is a part of the University of Miami Health System Miller School of Medicine. There are more facts at The National SCI Statistical Center for reference as well. The purpose of the article is to inform people on how to help them live their lives to the fullest.


The article “NSCISC,” posted by ADDEP, provides data from the National SCI Database. The article details what the database does and what it is for. The data gathered gets used for analysis to inform others about SCI.

“NSCISC” was posted in September, 2016 and the data is current and relevant in relation to the other information gathered. The intended audience is researchers who need information about the analysis of SCI patients. The Archive of Data on Disability to Enable Policy brings together disability data with new research into medicine.  The purpose of this article is bring together research to inform people who need information on SCI.

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